1970 It Was Established

Continuing service up to the third generation

3 Office Worldwide

Offices Located in China, Turkey (Gaziantep) and Russia (Moscow)

7200 ton / yıl

Monthly import and distribution of 600 tons from a monthly capacity of 30 containers.

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

10 country

Commodity supply from 10 different countries around the world

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

100 Customer

Capacity to sell to more than 100 customers around the world

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

100 supplier

Purchasing activities with more than 100 suppliers

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi
5 Trader

Twenty traders with expertise in the products they manage

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

3 Quality Assurance Department

Quality assurance departments, each with qualified QA personnel

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi